Connecticut River Mainline CWR Installation & Maintenance

Rail/Transit, Rail
Bid Build
Springfield - Northfield, MA
Massachusetts Department of Transportation

The Connecticut River Mainline Right of Way is owned by MassDOT’s Rail and Transit Division and is inspected and maintained by Pan Am Railways.

The track on the Connecticut River Mainline through this area consists mainly of 136RE CWR ballasted track on wood ties. The Northampton controlled passing siding consists mainly of 112 RE CWR ballasted track on wood ties.

Work consisted of the transporting approximately 15K LF of CWR from East Deerfield Yard, MA to Northampton, MA and installing 2 track miles of CWR on the controlled passing siding in Northampton, MA. This project also included furnishing and installing 70 thermite welds, removing and installing 10 bonded insulated joints, and destressing 2K TF on the Connecticut River Mainline and
various sidings in various locations from Springfield, MA to Northfield, MA.

By the Numbers

21.1K LF
CWR Rail Replacement

Destress Existing CWR

15K LF
Transported Rail to Worksite

50 EA
F & I Thermal Welds

10 EA
U Replacement

Project Value

Scope of Work
  • CWR installation along active railway
  • Cropping existing CWR strings
  • Transportation of 15K FT of CWR
  • Installation of track
  • Insulated joint replacement
  • Furnishing & installation of thermite welds
  • Destressing of mainline and associate sidings
Unique Challenges
  • Tie plate and fastening replacement to accommodate increased rail size/profile
  • Track had to be handed back into service at the end of each workday
  • Pan Am freight trains operated throughout daily and were not scheduled