Fitter Interlocking & Wetland Mitigation
The Middlesex Corporation was contracted by Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) for the Fitter Interlocking and Wetland Mitigation project.
The work for this project was under a tight deadline of 21 months. In Year 1, the foundations were placed and most of the off-line civil and platform work on the railroad was completed. This included and installing an underdrain within the railroad ballast and cleaning and reconstructing existing drainage ditches as needed. In Year 2, the focus was single-track closures where catenary and track work is completed.

2023 – Safety Recognition
By the Numbers
7,469 tons
Ballast and subballast
Drilled Shafts
1 LS (42 ea. structure)
Electrical & Catenary
Average RN – Exceeds specification requirements
Project Value
Scope of Work
- Electrical & catenary
- Foundations – catenary & platform
- Landscape & wetlands
- Civil/drainage
Unique Challenges
- Aggressive schedule of 21 months to complete the work. Year 1 (2022) to get foundations in, and most off-line civil and platform work completed. Year 2 (2023) involves the single-track closures where catenary and track work is completed
- Foundations (drilled shafts) completed at night in 3.5 hour work windows.

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