On-Call SGR – Maintenance of Way, Track Support
The On-Call State of Good Repair (SGR) Contract A’s scope consists of system-wide track rehabilitation construction on an on-call basis to support an aggressive reduction in the percentage of system track that is deficient, or under a speed restriction, and address immediate safety issues pursuant to FTA Special Directive No. 22-8.
By bringing the system to a State of Good Repair, the Authority aims to increase the safety and reliability of the service to the community. Work includes light and heavy rail track replacement, rail replacement, tie replacement and disposal, tie plate replacement, direct fixation panel repairs, guard rail and restraining rail replacement, flash butt and thermite welding, rail seal, ballast installation, insulated joints, various grade crossing material replacement, as well as all surfacing, tamping, and alignment as required.
By the Numbers
12K TF
Track Replacement
2.5K EA
Tie Replacement
458 EA
Flash Butt Welding
254 EA
Thermite Welding
150 EA
Single Bonds Welding
Tie Plate Replacement
11.8K TF
Ballasting & Surfacing
334 TF
Grade Crossing Replacement – Railseal
Project Value
Scope of Work
- Track replacement
- Tie and tie plate replacement
- Rail replacement
- Flash butt and thermite welding
- Direct fixation panel repair
Unique Challenges
- Completing work during short track outages at nigh and extended shutdowns on weekends.
- Accelerated, 2-year schedule
- Requirements to provided minimum of 6 crews within a 24-hour notice period.
- Actual work scope to be developed during the course of the contract.

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