STA 315 Transmission and Distribution Street Work

Bid Build
Brighton - Watertown, MA

This project consisted of 115-kV Transmission and 13.8-kV Distribution (T&D) infrastructure extending from a proposed substation to be built on Electric Ave. in Brighton, MA.

The 13.8-kV work commenced at the substation and consisted of electrical ductbank and manhole installation. The 115-kV work included HPFF pipe and conductor installation, freeze pit and tie-in connection to NSTAR’s existing HPFF system, and tie-in to the 115-kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) at the substation, and requisite testing.

The installation included work in the jurisdictions of the City of Boston/Brighton, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), MassDOT, and the City of Watertown.

By the Numbers

Project Value

Scope of Work
  • 115-kV Transmission and 13.8-kV Distribution (T&D) infrastructure extending from a proposed substation, totalling 2.2K LF
  • The 13.8-kV work commences at the substation and consists of electrical ductbank and manhole installation, totalling 21.9K LF
  • The 13.8-kV infrastructure will be routed along 5 general routes and broken into 4 separate “Zones”
  • The 115-kV work includes HPFF pipe and conductor installation, freeze pit and tie-in connection to NSTAR’s existing HPFF system, and tie-in to the 115-kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) at the substation, and requisite testing
  • Utility relocation and site restoration
Unique Challenges
  • With four zones, the 115-kV Transmission and 13.8-kV Distribution (T&D) required close collaboration of work
  • Restricted working hours while working in the Right of Way